Now...just click a link to track the reservation to the source!
Webervations® users with SuperStatZ can track reservations directly back to the source in almost every case, even if the guest found your website months ago and just made the reservation today. And you can do so just by clicking a link on the Webervations® secure server page that contains the information about the reservation request.
This link takes you to the reserving guests' user information page on SuperStatZ. There the history of the users' visit to your website appears, tracking each page they visited on your site, back to the original referring source, including the search term they used if they found you on a search engine, and including all their visits to your website, even it these were on different days.
Here's how it works:
A small snippet of SuperStatZ code is added to each page of your website that you wish to track. Another snippet is added to your Webervations® information. When a user goes from your website to Webervations®, the visit is recorded by SuperStatZ. If the guest makes a reservation, Webervations® places a link to that users' SuperStatZ history into the secure server page for that reservation.
When you receive the reservation request email from Webervations ®, you click on the secure server link to the information, as you would for example to get the credit card number. If you want to know the source of the reservation, you simply click on the SuperStatZ link and a pop-up window shows you the users' SuperStatZ history, which includes the referring source. Now you KNOW the source, even if the reserving guest does not!
The ONLY tracking software with these capabilities:
Your Custom Referrers List
SuperStatZ allows you to input a list of Custom Referrers, so all the paid referring sources of click-throughs to your website can be seen in one convenient list. If the website has a number of different pages with links to your site, they are grouped in one place and the total number of click-throughs is displayed. No more searching through pages of referrals to find the number from each page and then having to add them up to see totals which allow you to compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges.
Pay-Per-Click and Pay-Per-View Tracking
If you are using pay-per-click referrals from Overture or LookSmart, SuperStatZ can track these as well, via the use of URL codes you insert in these sources. A special section of SuperStatZTM then summarizes these, so you have a way to verify the charges made for these click-throughs.
Search Words AND Search Phrase Tracking
While other tracking programs track search words and phrases, SuperStatZ tracks these separately, so you can generate new phrases from the most frequently searched words.
Entry and Exit Page Tracking
SuperStatZTM also tracks the individual entry and exit pages, so if you want to try 'gateway' pages customized to specific search terms, you can easily evaluate their effectiveness.
Learn more about SuperStatZTM by clicking the links above right, and then sign up for SuperStatZ and enter the new era of reservation tracking!